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    Entries in weekend (1)


    The Human Resources Manager - The Movie

    Did you know there was a recent film titled 'The Human Resources Manager?'

    Me either.

    It is an Israeli film set back in 2002, during a time rife with suicide bombings in the city of Jerusalem. A foreign employee of a small bakery is killed in one of the bombing incidents, and the bakery's Human Resources Manager is tasked with the job of delivering the former employee's body to her home country of Romania. 

    The (subtitled) trailer for the film is below (email and RSS subscribers may need to click through)


    Folks in HR get some really unpleasant duties no doubt. From handling layoffs and firings, to advising employees that it is probably is a good idea to save the belly shirts for the county fair, to organizing the company picnic or team building outings. But 'escorting' the body of an employee to a faraway country for a proper burial? I'll bet even the most seasoned and jaded HR pro reading this has never had to go that far in the line of HR duty.

    'The Human Resources Manager' might be can found on Netflix, (I am too tired too check), in case you are looking for a little weekend entertainment and a validation of sorts that no matter how trying your gig in HR seems, it probably could be worse!

    What is the strangest assignment you have ever had to carry out in your HR role? 

    Have a great weekend!